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Eco Store Design Sprint

Hasil karya projek Eco Store Design Sprint belajar design dan code di BuildWithAngga

Neil Christian

Lifetime Learner

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Tentang Projek

In this design sprint, we create e-commerce app themed sustainable living store with design sprint method. This design sprint takes 5 day to complete. Before we enter the design sprint, I created UX Competitive Analysis to analyze the competitor based on UX and SWOT that they have. On the first day we created a goal, question, map, and voting before making the app. After the first day is done, we move to second day to lightning demos and do crazy 8 method for the wireframe. Third day, in this day we do a user voting for the crazy 8 wireframe that have been made before and make the user storyboard. Fourth day, this day is so exciting, we do prototyping and visual design before the app is launching. And the fifth day the last day, we do usability testing using maze to ensure the user could do the app flow correctly and analysis the data from testing the user.

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